Jess Pryles

Jess Pryles

Hardcore Carnivore. She’s a live fire cook, author, and TV personality specializing in all things meat.

Hardcore Carnivore. She’s a live fire cook, author, and TV personality specializing in all things meat.

Jess Pryles is a live-fire cook, author, meat expert and a professional Hardcore Carnivore.

She has a particular passion for beef and meat science and is a respected authority on Texas-style barbecue. Born in Australia, she now resides in Austin, Texas.

In addition to being a maven of all things meaty, Jess is a co-founder of the Australasian Barbecue Alliance and the creator of the internationally-acclaimed line of meat seasonings, Hardcore Carnivore®. She has also authored a cookbook of the same name.

Pryles' website is one of the highest-ranking resources for meat cookery and information on the internet. Her recipes, videos and classes reach millions of meat-fans around the globe each year.

Jess' expertise in the meat world grew from humble beginnings - a regular consumer who enjoyed the occasional steak at home, but frustrated by her own lack of knowledge on the different cuts available, and more importantly, how to cook them.

As she herself puts it: 'I used to be one of those people who stood in the meat department at the grocery store overwhelmed by the selection. So I decided to change all that".

She's spent years educating herself on all things related to meat. Basic butchery, varied cooking techniques, the affect of aging meat...she's investigating these and a myriad of other carnivorous subjects.

Jess' Recipes